Ricordo con tanta dolcezza i libri che io ho pubblicato, se qualcuno è interessato, glieli mando I remember so sweetly books that I have published; if anyone is interested, I'll send
mercoledì 7 dicembre 2016
today I have examined some work done many years ago, but always present. greetings to all my dear friends
mercoledì 23 novembre 2016
domenica 10 luglio 2016
this flower is dedicated to my mom Gina from my niece Laura
I hope you enjoy these flowers. They were dedicated to the year of mercy of Pope Francis
giovedì 7 luglio 2016
more photos of Laura's wedding
Saturday I went ao wedding of my npote Laura and here I post some photos. In the first two photos you see in the dark with my sister's hair done tatting. My granddaughter was gorgeous, greetings Laura
domenica 19 giugno 2016
These are the crocheted curtains designed by me for the food you like? The images do not give the beauty of the work
I have embroidered on linen curtains of my bedroom many years ago, then they were finished from my mom. I also like to embroider hello dear friends The images do not give the beauty of the work